5 Simple Prayer Ideas

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Prayer Collage 1

“Prayer is more powerful than habits, heredity, and natural tendencies. It can overcome all these. It is more powerful than the forces that hold the planets in place. Prayer, though it comes from the heart of an unlearned child of God, can suspend the laws of the universe, if such be God’s will, just as the sun stood still when Joshua prayed. There is no other power on earth that the enemy of souls hates and fears as he does prayer. We are told that ‘Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees.’”
[Matilda Andross “The Life That Wins”]

Today I am sharing with you “5 Prayer Prompts” that keep me on my toes in prayer.  They are simple, easy, and effective, but help keep me intentional when I’m busy.

Pick a few this week and give them a try.

Prayer-Stops– Each week choose a person you are going to pray for every time you come to a stop light.  Get your kids to participate if they are in the car with you.  It is a great way to model prayer habits in front of them, and let them know we can pray anywhere and anytime.

On-the-Road Prayers-  In this day and age, people spend an enormous amount of time in their cars. Cars are loaded with all kinds of entertainment:  satellite radio, DVD players, ipod docks, etc.  To take prayer on the road with you, I challenge you to turn it all off for a portion of your drive and pour your heart out to God in prayer.

Hand-Washing Prayer – Each time you wash your hands throughout the day, call in prayer the names of the lost loved ones, friends, or anyone you know of that needs salvation.  Ask God to make himself known to them as never before, and bring cleansing to their heart and soul through the blood of his Son Jesus.

Washing hands

Write & Mail a Prayer- Think of someone that is in great need of prayer and encouragement.  Send them a card of encouragement and close in a handwritten prayer that is in your own words.  When my Mom was sick, she would read her cards over and over.  This is something so simple, yet very powerful in the life of the one who receives it.

Phone-Alarm Prayers- For those prayer promises you made to someone that you would pray for them, or those pressing needs that require serious intentional prayer.  Don’t just talk about it or worry about it…PRAY!  Set your alarm to remind you, and no matter where you are when the beep sounds, breathe a prayer.

phone prayer

I hope you enjoyed these simple creative prayer prompts and will implement a few of them on your faith journey!


Prayer Vision



What makes Prayer.Vision unique? 

1) Story Driven – Happy to pray for lost jobs and sick relatives, but we want to be about more than just ‘requests’ and ‘needs’. We want to collect and share ‘stories’ of real people on the front lines of what God is doing (and remember, those front lines include your back yard, because God is at work in every time and place!) We hope that many missionaries, church planters, and risk takers will use this platform to facilitate their own prayer support, and we encourage you, as you post to the site, to include some of the background story.

2) Visually Rich – We seek new and creative ways to visualize God’s work across the globe. The millennial generation, more than any previous generation, is highly visual. We hope to stimulate the hearts of our generation by speaking with color, contrast, movement, and light.

3) An Open Network – We built this platform to harness the power of an open network. Rather than taking a top-down approach, where staff members up at the top decide what content should be disseminated, we want to give voice to believers everywhere. YOU will generate and aggregate our content. We hope that many powerful stories will go viral, pulling our hungry hearts up outside our monotonous daily routines, into God’s history-shaping work.


Q) How much does it cost?
A) Its free

Q) How do I use it?
A) Simply click anywhere on the map to add a prayer pin. Or click on any existing pin to see what others are inviting you to pray for. For the full rundown, watch the getting started video at the top of this page.

Fight Like A Girl Club

The Fight Like A Girl Club was formed to provide a welcoming place where women (men are welcome, too!) battling cancer and other diseases, survivors, and loved ones can come together to share stories, experiences, hope, and encouragement with one another, a place where you can come to relax and devote time to yourself, a place where you feel accepted and cared about, a place to soothe your soul with meditations, poems, and inspirational quotes, to release your fears and anxieties through sharing and writing, to put your problems on the backburner while playing games and puzzles, to request Prayer from others who truly care, a place to

The Power of Intercession from Abiding & Brokenness in Prayer

To think that God would have a man drop dead before my eyes to try to pass on to my heart the gift of brokenness in prayer is something that brings me to tears, but it was only truly reawakened in March 2015, after James Flowers opened with a brokenness prayer for Dr Dobson’s talk about how we stand at a moment similar to Roe vs Wade. At the close of the meeting as I thanked Flowers for the reminder, he was shocked that the same last words to inspire him, I had heard from the last breaths of Mickey Bonner’s lips in 1997. “We must learn to pray with the mind of Christ and it comes only when we humble ourselves before him. It comes only when we are broken.” Please share additional resources that should be added to this playlist on YouTube:

Mind of Christ Bringing Brokenness in Prayer

"We must learn to pray with the mind of Christ and it comes only when we humble ourselves before him. It comes only when…

Posted by International Blessing on Sunday, July 19, 2015


PrayerAndPraiseDeepWatersMobile Apps and Emails:

Join Project One Cry and download the mobile app to receive prayer updates: http://www.onecry.com/

Way Makers has many practical tools for praying: http://waymakers.org/pray/

Subscribe to the Global Prayer Digest emails: http://www.globalprayerdigest.org/index.php/subscribe

Pray for the Persecuted Church: http://www.persecution.com/


Unite with others in Prayer:

Attend a National Day Prayer Event: http://nationaldayofprayer.org/

Attend a Global Day of Prayer Event: http://www.globaldayofprayer.com/

Pray over the web with the International House of Prayer: http://www.ihopkc.org/

Join The Navigator’s Pray Network: http://www.navpress.com/pray/



Purchase resources like Intercessory Prayer by Reese Howel on prayer from organization that has over 500 resources just on prayer:
