What is the real remedy? Christ’s more excellent way in every sphere of life

Frustrated at the recent events in our nation, but want to make a difference? Join key communities that are showing a more excellent way.

Not sure if you can manage another meeting or another reminder? Solution–Heritage Action will call you automatically every Monday at 5:30 CST and you will learn about key opprotunities to make a difference in the course of our nation.

Yet as you know, the church is what God promised the gates of hell would not prevail against. Yet are we doing real church God’s more excellent way He opens to us in 1 Cor 12:31?

At Blessings Beyond Boundaries, we want to empower you to shine a more excellent way in every area of your life, connecting with ministries that shine more radiantly in each sphere. Are you wondering how to abide in Christ in every area of your life? Check out our Abiding section. For that matter how many of us considered Biblical banking? Or for that mater how many of us want to be Berans when it comes to media and can’t find a fact checking organization that actually fact checks from a Biblical perspective? We might not have all the answers, but we know those who do, so give us a call today.

Volunteer at a pregnancy resource center & save lives

It truly is a blessing serving those in crisis. I am so thankful for the irreplaceable opportunity my family had to serve a local prolife pregnancy resource center as a foster care family. Changed me forever. To anyone considering it, helping in any way you can a prolife center will bless you so much. To find a prolife center near you, here is a helpful website:
