El Proyecto La Verdad

Incluye: 12 lecciones en online video (13 horas de contenido) en siete DVDs, Este DVD de entrenamiento para el lider (56 minutos), and Guia de cuarto de estudio (Libro). El Proyecto La Verdad de Enfoque a la Familia es plan de estudio basado en una serie de Dvd disks sobre la cosmovision cristiana, especificamente disenado y reglamentario para usarse en grupos pequenos. El doctor De Tackett, creador del Deseo La Verdad, ensena qualquer “recorrido”. Los DVDs han sido creados para que un facilitador de grupo en este momento registrado los use, reunido con los materiales adicionales proporcionados. Los siete Dvd disks contienen 12 lecciones (13 horas en total). Un Proyecto La Verdad ha sido una produccion del galardonado equipo de Coldwater Multimedia y Concentrate on the Friends and family Films, doblado al espanol por Christian Dubbing Facilities. Los DVDs en la cual serie estan codificados para todas las regiones. La Guia de estudio de Proyecto La Verdad essa disenada para ser usada como un complemento approach conjunto de DVDs Proyecto La Verdad para grupos pequenos.




Aventuras en Odisea

A respeito de Aventuras en Odisea
? Toda la diversi? n de las caricaturas favoritas de aquellas ni? os… trouble la preocupaci? n! Aventuras en Odisea presenta las historias, personajes y condiciones que a los du? os les encanta…? y los valores que mam? y pap? saben estimar!

? Disponible semanalmente, est? tratado que cada episodio atrae al p? blico! Mis ni? os pueden conectar por diversi? n, cuando pronto toda la prole est? conectada –? para o? r todo el show!

? Aventuras en Odisea(R) es un programa que sin duda usted querr? transmitir! Aunque est? encabezado a ni? os dentre las edades de almost 8 a 12 a? operating-system, hemos encontrado que en absoluto el mundo disfruta de este programa de mass media hora.
Acerca de Ajuste i smag med Familia
En Encamine ad modum Familia, ayudamos a las familias an adelantarse. Nuestro deseo es que usted y su prole nos conozcan y encuentren el apoyo de un amigo cercano. Estamos aqu? para ayudarle an adelantarse su matrimonio, su prole, y su vida personal; a trav? s de programas de radio, guias educativos, seminarios y conferencias, consejer? a y psicolog? a, publicaciones y unserem? s recursos para la familia.



Videos of Aventuras en Odisea







Homeschool Planner

Home schooling can be a most rewarding experience – but it can even be one of the most challenging. Presently there will be days when everything just works, and then there will be days where we’ll just feel defeated. Like those want to throw our hands in the air and just give up! Those are the occasions we need to help remind ourselves to give it to any or all to God. In those times when we most helping you, This individual is the one we should consider. So – whether it is a good day or an undesirable day – here is a prayer for you, homeschooling parent…



Interview with Don Richardson Continues to Expand the Blessing Beyond Boundaries Vision


One, gains an unmistakable impression that the Sky- God wanted to communicate with people of various folk religions all the time, but for His own mysterious reasons maintained a policy of restraint until the arrival of Yahweh’s testimony! This is surely a powerful exta-biblical evidence for the authenticity of the Bible as revelation from the one true and universal God! Don Richardson

Eugene Bach recently met with international speaker and author of best-selling books, including Eternity in their Hearts and Peace Child, Don Richardson.

In his book, Heaven Wins, Don reflects on the words of C S Lewis: “Free will, though it makes evil possible, is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having.” This reflects the life and commitment of Don Richardson, who has devoted his life to missions, and put much of his experience and studies into his writings.

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Originally from Canada, Don spent fifteen years with his wife and young family as a missionary in the West Papua jungles. During this time he lived among the Sawi tribe who honoured treachery as a virtue. When he shared the gospel of Jesus with them, they hailed Judas Iscariot as the hero of the story. They admired the fact that he had betrayed Jesus. Approaching the gospel from his Western viewpoint was not reaching into the hearts of the Sawi. It was then that Don began to understand that a redemptive analogy was needed to reach the tribe.

A redemptive analogy is a component in a culture that God has placed so that when a messenger brings the good news of Jesus, it will make sense. It’s like finding the fingerprint of God that is already on that culture.

The redemptive analogy for the Sawi tribe was found in the form of a ‘peace child’. A child was given from one warring tribe to their enemies to bring about peace. This paved the way for Don to share about Christ with the tribe. To this day, there are numerous Christians in West Papua because of Don’s perseverance to find a component of their culture that they could relate to the redemption of Christ.

When the terrorist attacks of 2001 highlighted the threat that Islam had become to the church, Don knew that he needed to study the Koran in depth. Through his studies, Don found a redemptive analogy that would be relevant to Muslims. This breakthrough has enabled Christians to reach out to Muslims in a relevant and effective way. Don shares his findings in his book, Secrets of the Koran.

You can purchase Don’s books here:


Eugene Bach had the opportunity to catch up with Don and hear more of his extensive knowledge about Eastern and Middle Eastern cultures. You can listen to this Podcast by clicking on the link below:


BTJ Contributing Author:  Jo

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