
David as a shepherd boy became a man after God’s own heart because he worshiped God with a new song each day. He opened his mouth wide and God would fill it.

Here is a great way to find Christian Radio Stations in your area:


The Pandora mobile devices provides some random songs, but often the lyrics are not as good as worshiping to God yourself.



Adventures in Odyssey


Adventures_in_OdysseyAdventures in Odyssey is a radio drama and comedy series created and produced by Focus on the Family. The series first aired in 1987 under the title Family Portraits. As of 2005, the show’s daily audience averaged around 1.2 million within North America. Life in Odyssey is never boring! The wacky adventures of the Odyssey gang lead them to learn new lessons in honesty, brotherly love, and helping one another – with the help of John Avery Whittaker, of course. Visit this website to listen online or listen using the OnePlace.com App.




Nest Family Entertainment Bible Videos


NestFamilyEntertainmentHorizontalNess Family Entertainment has produced dozens of high quality animated Bible videos that can inspire children of all ages. Magnificent music, excellent character developments with outstanding artwork and design.





Top 5 Websites with Christian Movie Reviews

Joshua Ogaldez, Yahoo! Contributor Network
Jun 5, 2010


1.) ChristianAnswers.net (http://www.christiananswers.net/)

ChristianAnswer.net is a resourceful, quality website that provides biblical answers to modern day, hard questions, biblical advise for daily living, and, lastly, reviews on recently released video games and films from a Christian perspective.

The sites’ film reviews provide users with two ratings: a moviemaking rating and a moral rating. The moviemaking quality rating is given to users through the classic a five-star scale system. The moral rating, based on the film’s messages and, also, the amount of profanity, violence and sex/nudity in the film, is given by placing each individual film in one of the following five categories: “Offensive”, “Average”, “Better Than Average”, “Good” and “Excellent”.”Excellent” being given to film’s with exemplary morals, while “Offensive” is given to the films with poorest morals. The site’s film reviews also includes a summary of the film’s plot as well as a section where users of the site can give comments on the film, categorized “Positive”, “Neutral” and “Negative”.

2.) MovieGuide(http://www.movieguide.org/)

MovieGuide gives its readers in depth analyses on films from a Judeo-Christian perspective. The sites’ reviews use a five star scale rating to rate the film’s quality and a -4 to +4 to rate the film’s morality. -4 is given to films with the deliberate immorality +4 is given to films with exemplary morality. Lastly, it is important to note that each review provides readers with a detailed account of the film’s content and a summary of the film.

(Sidenote: The portion of the review that analyzes the film’s content has abbreviations such as “HH”, “PaPa”, and “CCC”. Each abbreviation is specific. For instance, “HH” stands for “strong humanistic or humanist elements”, “PaPa” stands for “strong pagan worldview or world elements” and “CCC” stands for “very strong Christian Worldview or elements, Gospel Witness, or positive reference to Jesus Christ, Christianity or his church”. To learn more about how Movieguide’s reviews work, click here.)

3.) Plugged In (http://www.pluggedin.com/movies.aspx)

Plugged In is a Focus on the Family publication that offers believers reviews from a Christian perspective on popular films, music albums, video games, and television shows.

Plugged In‘s film reviews begin with a summary of the film, followed by several sections that delve into the content of the film. The “Positive Elements” section gives readers an inside look at the positive aspects of the film. The “Spiritual Content” section brings the spiritual content of the film to reader’s attention, whether the spiritual content of the film be Christian, New Age or occultic. The “Sexual Content,” “Crude or Profane Language,” “Crude or Profane Language,” “Drug and Alchohol,” and the “Other Negative Elements” sections gives readers a look at the objectional material of the film. Lastly, Plugged In ends its reviews with a concluding.

4.) Crosswalk (http://www.crosswalk.com/movies/)

Apart from being an resourceful online site with pieces geared to help Christians with their Christian living, Crosswalk also has helpful reviews for believers on recently released films.

Crosswalk’s reviews, for the most part, can be connotated as traditional. The site’s reviews are composed of a summary of the film as well as an evaluation of the film’s quality. The most helpful portion of the reviews is the “Cautions” section, found after the ‘traditional’ part of the review. This section alerts readers of the amount of profanity, and sexual, drug-related and violent content in the film as well as provides insight as to the religious content of the film.

5.) Jesus Freak Hideout (http://www.jesusfreakhideout.com/movies/default.asp)

Although primarily a website dedicated to the world of Christian Music, Jesus Freak Hideout also has some devotionals and film reviews.

Jesus Freak Hideout divides its review in three sections; a plot summary, a ‘traditional’ review, and ends with a parental guide that goes through some of the content parents should be cautious about in the film.



You Version



Sign up for Go Tandem. Based on their brief survey of what you struggle with, Go Tandem delivers at strategic times throughout the day emails, text messages and Bible verses: http://youtu.be/N2DkjewD7N8




Topical Memory System Life Issues guides you to 72 Scripture passages in six translations, helping you learn how to meditate on and memorize the Word of God.

Developed by The Navigators, Topical Memory System (TMS) is a proven way to bring God’s Word into your mind and heart. – See more at: http://www.navpress.com/Topical-Memory-System-Issues-God-s/dp/1600066712#sthash.j0JEPSSs.k19ZA2n7.dpuf   There are also 5 different apps that make this easier digitally.


Download free MP3’s of the Bible put to music:  www.audiotreasure.com

Audible.com allows for the easy purchase of the NIV Bible Experience and daily combinations of scripture like the Daily Message. Although the convenience and adjustable speed of play is a great asset, be aware however, that you must keep a continual subscription ranging from $6 to $16 a month.
Sermon Audio

Bible Study Resources



Bible Hub-View most of the commentaries and versions of the Bible from one place without switching pages.  
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
 Want to find more great tools like this visit: http://churchm.ag/mobile/bible/

‘Virtually Indestructible’ Bible Built With ‘Space Age Nanotechnology’ Might Last You a Lifetime: It ‘Literally Walks on Water’

Bibles, like anything made of mere paper, are prone to wear and tear, which is why one company has created a “virtually indestructible” version of the holy book. Forever Publishing is promising that its Forever Bible is built to last a lifetime, claiming on its Kickstarter page that the book is eco-friendly, tear-proof and dirt-proof. In fact, it’s a book that the company claims “literally walks on water.” “Using Space Age nanotechnology, we are able to print the Bible on an advanced paper that doesn’t use any trees, is 24X stronger than regular paper, and is completely waterproof, dirt-proof, tear-proof, and otherwise life-proof,” the company boasts. “The Forever Bible even floats in water, while keeping your notes and highlighted passages pristine.” A promotional video shows just how resilient the book is:


The Founders Bible

America stands at the crossroads of human history, once revered and respected throughout the world for its exceptionalism, a gleaming “city set on a hill” as a beacon of enduring freedom, now reviled, it’s influence reduced, teetering on the brink of disaster….If ever there was a desperate need for us to look back and rediscover the vision, the passion, and the wisdom of those who laid the glorious foundations it is now!

The supplementary material will inspire readers with renewed hope and appreciation for the sacrifice that was made to found this great nation, the unwavering commitment our Founding Fathers had to the importance to the Word of God for our lives as individuals, for shaping and guiding our society, and for providing the foundations of our unique system of government that has produced the most enduring legacy of freedom any nation has ever known. Knowing where we came from will provide invaluable wisdom for where we are headed and what we can do to reclaim our lost heritage.
The WatchWord Bible: 


Providing access to the Bible in the Heart Language: 





141220davidbartonDavid Barton’s WallBuilders seeks to inform Christians about their Godly Heritage from their decades of gathering the original manuscripts of the Founders: http://www.wallbuilders.com/



The National Black Robe Regiment is a network of national and local pastors and pastor groups that equips and empowers pastors to engage in their Biblical and historical role to stand boldly for righteousness and transform society through spiritual and cultural engagement: http://nationalblackroberegiment.com/



Family Research Counsel does in-depth research on public policy issues facing Christians. FRC’s P3 pastors network is especially effective in equipping the next Nathan’s and John the Baptist’s of our time. http://frc.org/



Citizen Link: http://www.citizenlink.com/




On this site you will find an extensive (and growing) collection of articles, books, audio and video messages, and answers to questions by Wayne Grudem. Grudem has published the most comprehensive book for understanding modern political issues in light of scripture.




This website produces a voter guide that allows you to see the issues that are most relevant.




A national clearing house to network citizens for sound community based education. Features a excellent on map showing local groups working to Halt Common Core.




Celebrating over 30 years in the field of video communication, Jeremiah Films continues to lead the way as an effective creator of hard hitting, life changing motion pictures.


The Way of the Master Evangelism

Bless Those Who Have Never Heard the Message of Christ


Equipped with a movie projector, generator, sound system and literature, mobile teams drive to hundreds of villages in a short amount of time. They support local pastors, show a movie on the life of Christ, and tell thousands about His saving grace.

Since 1979, GFA has existed to fulfill one passion: Share the love of Christ with lost villages and people groups in Asia.

To that end, we train and equip missionaries to serve throughout South Asia. The projects funded through MyGFA each play a significant part in making missionaries more effective and transforming communities in need with the love of Christ.

100 percent of every donation on mygfa.org is sent to the mission field for the designated campaign project. Nothing is taken out for administrative expenses in the West.






Review of the Best Evangelism Resources

Many unique tracks and gospel presentations are available from Living Waters.com, which is the ministry of Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron.  Their course, The Way of the Master, has sold over 16,000 and is uniquely focused on how to help unbelievers realize the problem of sin in light of the Ten Commandments.   


EvangeCube.jpgE3 has unique evangelism resources such as the EvangCube shown above, which can help you share with others Christ’s message in a simple way. https://www.e3resources.org/



MegaVoice is committed to engaging four billion non-readers with God’s Word using solar-powered audio Bibles.




When it comes to witnessing, are you intimidated by atheists, New Agers, or evolutionists because you don’t have all the answers? Bill Jack in Tools for Brain Surgery stresses the importance of the questions being a proverbial “crowbar,” and not a “sledgehammer.”  His approach to both conversations was not trying to convince or persuade the others, but to help them realize the holes in their “theology” in a gentle tone of voice, and a respectful approach.  Second, he showed that he deeply and honestly cares about sharing the Gospel, because through a few tears he reminds his viewers that these are Souls, and the stakes are very, very high.  Third, he discussed the main reason believers don’t do this (Fear), and how to conquer it.His Tools for Brain Surgery consist of five simple questions:

  1. What do you mean by ______  (in other words, define their terms)
  2. How do you know? (present your proof)
  3. What difference does that make?
  4. What if you’re wrong?  (Pascal’s Wager)
  5. What evidence would you demand to change your mind?

Cross Cultural Evangelism



Jesus Film Project enables you to share Jesus Christ with people around the world.Check out these websites to 




Operation Worldview was inspired by the Perspectives in world missions course to share the why and joy of missions. The Beauty of Partnership seeks to build Godly Character, Cultural Intelligence, and organizational competence. The Father’s love is a pocket-size booklet tells the Good News of Jesus Christ through what is commonly known as “The Story of the Prodigal Son.”



The Perspectives in World Missions course helps train individuals to be prepared to go out into the mission field of the world.  Perspectives helps believers from all walks of life see how they can get threaded into God’s story of redeeming people from every tribe, tongue, and nation to Himself. From Genesis to the prophets, Jesus Christ to the early church, and Constantine to today, you will see how God has been moving, how the global Church has responded, and what the greatest needs in world evangelization remain today. 






Answers in Genesis

Focused particularly on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis, as it is the most-attacked book of the Bible. Answers in Genesis also has an amazing Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky.




Privileged Planet 

Through stunning computer animation, interviews with leading scientists, and spectacular images of Earth and the cosmos The Privileged Planet explores a startling connection between our capacity to survive and our ability to observe and understand the universe.




Christian Answers.net is packed with over 45,000 articles and provides Biblical answers to many of the most commonly asked questions. You can also read movie reviews, game reviews, articles for teens or explore the kid’s section.
