El Proyecto La Verdad

Incluye: 12 lecciones en online video (13 horas de contenido) en siete DVDs, Este DVD de entrenamiento para el lider (56 minutos), and Guia de cuarto de estudio (Libro). El Proyecto La Verdad de Enfoque a la Familia es plan de estudio basado en una serie de Dvd disks sobre la cosmovision cristiana, especificamente disenado y reglamentario para usarse en grupos pequenos. El doctor De Tackett, creador del Deseo La Verdad, ensena qualquer “recorrido”. Los DVDs han sido creados para que un facilitador de grupo en este momento registrado los use, reunido con los materiales adicionales proporcionados. Los siete Dvd disks contienen 12 lecciones (13 horas en total). Un Proyecto La Verdad ha sido una produccion del galardonado equipo de Coldwater Multimedia y Concentrate on the Friends and family Films, doblado al espanol por Christian Dubbing Facilities. Los DVDs en la cual serie estan codificados para todas las regiones. La Guia de estudio de Proyecto La Verdad essa disenada para ser usada como un complemento approach conjunto de DVDs Proyecto La Verdad para grupos pequenos.




Night Light International

NightLight is an international organization compelled by love to reach out to, rescue, and restore all those who are negatively impacted by sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.

Our local offices build relationships with victims of commercial sexual exploitation and those who are at-risk and provide hope, intervention, rescue, and assistance by offering alternative vocational opportunities, life-skills training, and physical, emotional, and spiritual development to those seeking freedom. NightLight builds support networks internationally to intervene and assist women, men, and children whose lives are negatively impacted by the sex industry.

In Bangkok, Nightlight operates as a business (NightLight Design, Co. Ltd) and a non-profit (NightLight Foundation). In the United States, NightLight operates as a 501c3 with branches in Atlanta, Branson, and Los Angeles.

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Isaiah 9:2



141220davidbartonDavid Barton’s WallBuilders seeks to inform Christians about their Godly Heritage from their decades of gathering the original manuscripts of the Founders: http://www.wallbuilders.com/



The National Black Robe Regiment is a network of national and local pastors and pastor groups that equips and empowers pastors to engage in their Biblical and historical role to stand boldly for righteousness and transform society through spiritual and cultural engagement: http://nationalblackroberegiment.com/



Family Research Counsel does in-depth research on public policy issues facing Christians. FRC’s P3 pastors network is especially effective in equipping the next Nathan’s and John the Baptist’s of our time. http://frc.org/



Citizen Link: http://www.citizenlink.com/




On this site you will find an extensive (and growing) collection of articles, books, audio and video messages, and answers to questions by Wayne Grudem. Grudem has published the most comprehensive book for understanding modern political issues in light of scripture.




This website produces a voter guide that allows you to see the issues that are most relevant.




A national clearing house to network citizens for sound community based education. Features a excellent on map showing local groups working to Halt Common Core.




Celebrating over 30 years in the field of video communication, Jeremiah Films continues to lead the way as an effective creator of hard hitting, life changing motion pictures.
