Interview with Don Richardson Continues to Expand the Blessing Beyond Boundaries Vision


One, gains an unmistakable impression that the Sky- God wanted to communicate with people of various folk religions all the time, but for His own mysterious reasons maintained a policy of restraint until the arrival of Yahweh’s testimony! This is surely a powerful exta-biblical evidence for the authenticity of the Bible as revelation from the one true and universal God! Don Richardson

Eugene Bach recently met with international speaker and author of best-selling books, including Eternity in their Hearts and Peace Child, Don Richardson.

In his book, Heaven Wins, Don reflects on the words of C S Lewis: “Free will, though it makes evil possible, is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having.” This reflects the life and commitment of Don Richardson, who has devoted his life to missions, and put much of his experience and studies into his writings.

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Originally from Canada, Don spent fifteen years with his wife and young family as a missionary in the West Papua jungles. During this time he lived among the Sawi tribe who honoured treachery as a virtue. When he shared the gospel of Jesus with them, they hailed Judas Iscariot as the hero of the story. They admired the fact that he had betrayed Jesus. Approaching the gospel from his Western viewpoint was not reaching into the hearts of the Sawi. It was then that Don began to understand that a redemptive analogy was needed to reach the tribe.

A redemptive analogy is a component in a culture that God has placed so that when a messenger brings the good news of Jesus, it will make sense. It’s like finding the fingerprint of God that is already on that culture.

The redemptive analogy for the Sawi tribe was found in the form of a ‘peace child’. A child was given from one warring tribe to their enemies to bring about peace. This paved the way for Don to share about Christ with the tribe. To this day, there are numerous Christians in West Papua because of Don’s perseverance to find a component of their culture that they could relate to the redemption of Christ.

When the terrorist attacks of 2001 highlighted the threat that Islam had become to the church, Don knew that he needed to study the Koran in depth. Through his studies, Don found a redemptive analogy that would be relevant to Muslims. This breakthrough has enabled Christians to reach out to Muslims in a relevant and effective way. Don shares his findings in his book, Secrets of the Koran.

You can purchase Don’s books here:

Eugene Bach had the opportunity to catch up with Don and hear more of his extensive knowledge about Eastern and Middle Eastern cultures. You can listen to this Podcast by clicking on the link below:

BTJ Contributing Author:  Jo

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Blessing Beyond Boundaries is Truly Eternally in Our Hearts

SouthAmericaA while ago I read the book “Eternity In Their Hearts” by Don Richardson. Without a doubt this is one of the best books I’ve ever read, so that’s why I want you to read it, too.

Don Richardson is a former missionary who spent about 15 years living among the Sawi people of western New Guinea with his family. He wrote another book about his experiences with this tribe entitled “Peace Child”, although a brief summary of is also contained in “Eternity In Their Hearts”.

“Eternity In Their Hearts” is made up of two parts: First, how the nations are prepared for the gospel, and second, how the gospel is prepared for the nations. It is a mix of three different literary styles: scientifically sound research, edifying spiritual content directly from the heart, and fictional narratives of true historical events for illustration. The main point Don Richardson tries to get across, and he backs this up with scientific and biblical proof, is that every person and every culture has “eternity” set “in their hearts”.

What does this mean? Everybody knows there is some kind of purpose in life. Even if you don’t think there is a purpose, you are probably living as if there is. Everyone is hoping for a hereafter where we will live forever. Everybody is waiting for liberation and salvation. And God has not left any culture without a witness or indication of himself.310812_273187609387366_380757042_n

Looking at the best part first, the second part of the book, Richardson turns our attention to the Bible and shows plainly that this book has an undeniable “all peoples perspective”. Beginning with the “Abrahamic covenant” in Genesis 12, Don shows that God planned to make salvation possible for everyone right from the get-go! For in Genesis 12, God speaks to Abraham that “in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (verse 3). Throughout the rest of the Old Testament, God continually reinforces this promise to bring the Gentiles into his covenant with the Jews through prophets. But no Jew understood the full extent of God’s promise.

Jesus in the New Testament clearly teaches that the gospel is meant for all people (for example through healing the servant of a Roman centurion, telling a story about a good Samaritan, speaking to a Samaritan woman by the well, or preaching about Nineveh and the Queen of Sheba). At the end of his ministry he draws from all his previous teachings on the “all peoples perspective” and sends out his disciples to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28, Mark 16, Acts 1). We call this the “Great Commission”.

At the very latest Paul the apostle, as seen in the book of Acts, finally lives out this commission and is the first person to effectively bring the gospel to Gentiles. The other apostles take much longer to act upon the commission of their Lord Jesus Christ. Traditional, non-biblical accounts however tell us that every one of them finally also got out of Jerusalem and went to the farthest corners of the then known world, even as far as southern India. Over the next two thousand years missionaries like Paul have undeniably been one of the most important factors in world history.

Throughout the New Testament we read that God finally fulfilled his promise to Abraham and that the gospel has been made accessible to all people. The Bible even ends with the fabulous prospect of all tribes and all languages being represented in heaven (Revelations 7:9).

From beginning to end, the Bible teaches what Don Richardson calls the “all peoples perspective”.

In the first part of the book, Don Richardson recounts accounts of how the message of Jesus Christ came to different tribes and cultures over the last two thousand years. He starts out with the interesting story of the apostle Paul bringing the good news of Christ’s death and resurrection to Greek intellectuals (read it in Acts 17). In this chapter of the Bible, Paul claims that an altar the Greeks built to an “unknown God” was actually built to the one true God. Don Richardson fills us in on some Greek history and reveals that the Greeks in fact did build this altar to the God who created everything there is. They built the altar because this God saved them from a plague, but he didn’t reveal his name. Don narrates how Epimenides of Crete instructed the Greeks to sacrifice to God in the correct manner to be saved from this plague.

Richardson continues to give us accounts of missionaries who, over the next two millennia, brought the good news of Jesus Christ to various tribes and cultures by using the “witnesses” God already placed within those cultures. He emphasises one important thing: Christians shouldn’t (like many have sadly done over the centuries) try to impose our Western culture on other peoples. Rather, weshould adopt their culture while living among them, and try to recognise the parts within their own culture that God planted there to prepare them for the gospel. Missionaries who respect and accept the culture of the people they are living with will have: a) genuinely better relationships and more fun with those people and b) exponentially more people giving their lives to Jesus Christ.

It is a common belief that many tribal cultures are either animistic or polytheistic. This belief goes back to evolutionary thinking spreading from biology into all other areas of science (animism evolving to monotheism as the population becomes more advanced). But this couldn’t be further from the truth! Research over the years has shown time and time again that there is a monotheistic root to most primitive religions. This means that the original belief of most cultures was in one true God, the God who created them and everything else. Many tribes have stories that their own decisions separated them from this God long ago. Some of them have the hope that someday they will be reconciled with him. Some even have prophecies that someone from the outside will bring them a message or a book that will help them to be reconciled with their creator God.

It is also a common belief that missionaries aren’t effective. Most people can’t believe that “enforcing” a belief upon foreign cultures can produce a significant number of converts. Perhaps you are reading this now and believe that the average missionary sees maybe five to ten people convert to Christianity per year. This could not be further from the truth! Missionaries who make use of the “witnesses” that God planted in every culture have seen thousands of people come to Christ per year. Some have even brought entire civilisations to Christ! What is important to remember here is that we are not eliminating their culture and imposing Western values on them. The opposite is the case: we are honouring and, through Christ, giving them an even deeper understanding of their own culture. In many cases we are even restoring their original cultural values to them that have been destroyed by the Western influences of alcohol and drugs!

This first part of the book contains lots of information and is well-rooted in scientific research. I recommend this part to everyone who is remotely interested in anthropology, archaeology, or generally in the various beliefs of different tribes. Even if you’re not in the slightest a Christian, it will make for an interesting read.

But this book review is long enough. “Eternity In Their Hearts” has become one of my favorite books. Don Richardson is the man! His research, personal experiences as a missionary, and understanding of the Bible are amazing. I learned many new things that have completely changed my perspective on the different cultures and religions of this world. The book was both an eye opener and a heart opener. My heart for missions were renewed and rekindled. Please do me a favour and read it for yourself!

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Be Empowered to Reach Out in the Love Of Christ to Our Muslim Neighbors-The Bible & Quaran Compared

BridgesBy the Crescent Project

Crescent Project’s mission is to inspire, equip and serve the Church to reach Muslims with the Gospel of Christ for the Glory of God. It is our vision to see a day when fear is replaced with love and millions of Christians are actively sharing the truth of Christ with millions of Muslims for the glory of God. We do this through prayer, training, local outreach, and short-term trips.

Prayer is vital for effective ministry to our Muslim neighbors. Join Christians from around North America in praying specifically for Muslims every Friday at noon. Sign up to receive our bi-weekly email containing specific prayer requests and background information on Muslims.

CrescentProjectTraining is essential for effective ministry among Muslims. Our Bridges Seminar and Bridges DVD study provide a practical understanding of Muslims, as well as methods that any Christian can use toeffectively communicate the Gospel. Our three-day Oasis Conference is an introduction and affirmation to what God is doing in the Muslim world. Our one-week Sahara Challenge takes a deeper look at Islam, culture, and ministry skills to prepare leaders for work among Muslims.

Local Outreach is our means of sharing the Hope of Christ with Muslims. We are dedicated to establishing growinggroups of Christians committed to sharing Christ’s love with the Muslims around them. Our staff act as mentors to the leaders of these groups, and provide ongoing training and resources to help them flourish.

grid-cell-14140-1450105345-10.jpgShort-term Trips allow us to provide life changing opportunities for Christians to immerse themselves in Muslim culture, build personal relationships, and participate in ministry with local believers. Our trips are designed to stretch and challenge team members to further invest themselves in reaching out to the Muslim world.


Reinhard Bonnke Full Flame Series

Igniting a Passion for the Lost
An 8-part film series which combines modern-day and Biblical stories with conversational teachings of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke in a sweeping cinematic presentation designed to empower churches to share the Gospel. I heard that this production costed over 30 million and it is available for you to watch directly from his ministry free

This video describes the work God is doing recently

27 Fun Gift Ideas for International Blessers

2. This heat-sensitive mug:

Think Geek / Via

Think Geek / Via

When your drink is warm, the Earth is shown in the daylight and cools down to the night view. Both are gorgeous.

10. These airport code T-shirts:

There are SO MANY MORE to check out HERE.

11. This inspiring print:

This inspiring print:

Scoutmob / Via

13. This Earth watch:

This Earth watch:

16. This custom city rocks glass:

This custom city rocks glass:

21. These stud earrings:

These stud earrings:

24. This phone case:

This phone case:

27. This fire pit:

This fire pit:

It’s super expensive but super cool. Movie to Share While Sharing Christ

We believe our decisions on Earth determine our eternal destiny; thus, we choose to “leave our pre-conceived beliefs and biases at the door” as we honestly seek to know Almighty God, human nature, and the means of eternal life.

When you think about it, our eternal destiny is the most important subject in all of life. Why? Well, if there is an eternal life (i.e. 850 billion years is the first inning), and our decisions on earth determine if we go to peace/joy/love (heaven) or wrath/horror/misery (hell), then we need to put all religious pride, feelings, assumptions, and biases aside and honestly pursue the truth. This is a big deal!

The most common hang-up we hear via this website is (in one form or another), “I don’t believe the bible can be trusted.” Ok, that’s cool; however, have you ever spent 10 hours of your life openly and honestly investigating it for yourself? How about 5 hours? 3? 1? So what you’re saying is, “I’m betting my eternal (!!) life on a hunch.”

Honestly, it is not our intention to talk you into anything. Your relationship with God is between you and him; however, we’ve studied this subject for literally thousands of hours (formally and privately) and simply want to help you, whether you’re a believer or not, go to the next level of (theological) education. We believe our creator gave each of us a brain, and with it, the responsibility to learn for ourselves. Truth is not subjective, it’s not relative, it’s not a feeling. Your belief in something doesn’t make it truth. It’s either true or not true. Oxygen is either essential to human life or not; the light we see from stars actually left the star years ago or not; a man named George Washington was once the president of the United States or not; Jesus Christ was the son of God or not; Jesus rose from the dead or not. We’re not advocating blind faith, at all! We’re encouraging you to consider the evidence and make your own decision. We’re attempting to present the evidence honestly and clearly and asking you to stop and think about it.

I grew up as a religious person, going to church every week, trying to be moral, and doing the best I could to please God. In my late 20s, I was challenged regarding the accuracy/truthfulness of the Bible. In an attempt to disprove its historical accuracy, my paradigm totally changed. That was over 20 years ago and I’ve been openly and honestly studying ever since. I’ve realized that it’s okay to question… in fact, I now question just about everything. That is why, as said above, we encourage you to leave your preconceived ideas at the door and just pursue intellectual truth; there are answers to all of your questions. Christianity is not blind faith, far from it!

So, I invite you to spend time going through the website. Before you do though, spend at least a minute or two asking God to help you hear/understand honest truth. If you have any questions, or see that something on the site is in error, please let us know. However, (since we’re committed to truth and clarity), don’t say something is wrong without presenting an intellectual case using official doctrine/documents. With all due respect, feelings or hunches are not worth much here. If we’re shown to be in error with something, trust me, I’ll move very quickly to change it; again, since we are committed to honesty, truth, and clarity.

May God richly bless you as you diligently seek after him. He’s there, you know, and wants to be known.


Wycliffe’s New Method Can Translate New Testament in Weeks

By Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra

Ever since Wycliffe Associates (WA) debuted a new approach that can translate almost half of the New Testament in two weeks, the smaller sister organization of Wycliffe Bible Translators (WBT) has been inundated with requests.

The process, called Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation (MAST), relies heavily on the local church to provide translators that are fluently bilingual. In a radical shift from earlier work, translators work simultaneously on the text instead of sequentially, and they learn translation principles (including proper names, idioms, and key terms) as they go instead of attending weeks of training beforehand.

By the end of 2014, WA had 115 projects underway. It added another 133 in 2015, and expects to begin another 500 in 2016. The world has about 4,100 living languages without any Bible translations, according to Mission Frontiers, the online magazine of Frontier Ventures.

“This is a breathtaking moment in the history of the church,” WA president Bruce Smith said in October when announcing MAST’s growth. “Christ’s Great Commission is doable. We can share God’s Word with every language group on earth—in our lifetime.”

Is this the death knell for longstanding translation practices, which invest years into language training and translation preparation?

Not quite, said Roy Peterson, CEO of the American Bible Society (ABS). That model was already dead.

“There is no such thing as traditional right now,” he said. “We are watching methodologies evolve right before our eyes that are accelerating translations.” ABS recently completed a New Testament in Zambia in three and a half years, he said. In 1980, the same text would have taken 10 years, according to Mission Frontiers.

Three and a half years is still a lot longer than MAST’s claims. But the accuracy of MAST was recently called into question by a peer-review assessment team, which included members of the Seed Company, Word for the World, WBT Ethiopia, and WBT Africa. They observed a two-week MAST project in Ethiopia in August.

While cautioning that “this review should not necessarily be interpreted as a ‘blanket assessment’ of other MAST implementations,” the group found that “the rate of progress and the quality achieved clearly do not substantiate the widely publicized claims made for the accelerated rate of translation that can be achieved through the MAST methodology.”

The review group had trouble with both of MAST’s time-saving techniques.

Having different translators work simultaneously on different parts of a Bible chapter “can only result in major inconsistencies in style and terminology, especially where they are working from different source versions,” the report said.

It also warned against skimping on pre-translation training: “Such shortcuts may give the impression that the goal is being achieved faster, but they inevitably result in loss of quality.”

A first draft of the Gospel of Mark in five languages was “achieved faster in the two-week Ethiopia MAST workshop than is typical in other initial translation workshops, but the quality was such that much more work will be needed to bring it to an acceptable quality and in a condition ready for wider testing,” the report said.

While all Bible translators want both speed and accuracy, accuracy is more important, six organizational members of Every Tribe Every Nation told CT. The alliance includes some of the world’s largest Bible agencies.

“The only thing worse than keeping someone waiting for the Bible in his or her heart language is a new translation that jeopardizes the clear communication of this same gospel message,” they wrote.

Making errors can cause lasting damage, said Peterson, whose society is part of the Every Tribe Every Nation coalition. “There’s something so delicate and important about the transmission of the Word of God. If we don’t give [local translators] the tools and training, if we let Scripture go out that has not had the care, then I think we’re playing fast and loose with the Word of God.”

Seed Company CEO Samuel Chiang agreed.

“There is deep historical precedence for training,” he said, pointing to the education Old Testament rabbis received. “I would never want to overweigh people with things, but [training] ahead of time is important.”

That doesn’t mean that there isn’t a place for MAST, both Chiang and Peterson said.

“We want to build bridges with everyone who is trying new things,” Peterson said. “[WA is] passionate about translation and we want to affirm that, and ask in what ways we can make sure quality and accuracy are the hallmark of whatever methodology we embrace.”

The report had “elements that are helpful inputs and other parts that are both inaccurate and perhaps not as helpful,” WA’s Smith told CT. The Ethiopia MAST project was hampered by some specific problems, he said.

“We encouraged the church to bring whoever they chose to participate, and we ended up with people who were not actually fluent in two languages,” he said. “Bilingual speakers are really the foundation for all Bible translation.”

The lack of language skill “significantly handicapped the outcome,” he said. So did the size of the teams, which were smaller than WA prefers for MAST.

But letting the local church choose the number and fluency of the translators remains one of WA’s core commitments, he said. “Part of the results in Ethiopia are the result of allowing the church to exercise their full authority over stewarding God’s word in their language.”

The MAST process, correctly used, still turns out a level of accuracy that rivals slower translation methods, Smith said. But that doesn’t mean it’s perfect.

“We’re still on a learning curve,” he said. “We’re improving this.”

While MAST increases the options available to local churches, it doesn’t make other Bible translation methods obsolete, Smith said. “There remains an overwhelming number of languages without even one verse of Scripture. At this point, every strategy is needed to get God’s Word to every nation.”

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