Interview with Don Richardson Continues to Expand the Blessing Beyond Boundaries Vision


One, gains an unmistakable impression that the Sky- God wanted to communicate with people of various folk religions all the time, but for His own mysterious reasons maintained a policy of restraint until the arrival of Yahweh’s testimony! This is surely a powerful exta-biblical evidence for the authenticity of the Bible as revelation from the one true and universal God! Don Richardson

Eugene Bach recently met with international speaker and author of best-selling books, including Eternity in their Hearts and Peace Child, Don Richardson.

In his book, Heaven Wins, Don reflects on the words of C S Lewis: “Free will, though it makes evil possible, is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having.” This reflects the life and commitment of Don Richardson, who has devoted his life to missions, and put much of his experience and studies into his writings.

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Originally from Canada, Don spent fifteen years with his wife and young family as a missionary in the West Papua jungles. During this time he lived among the Sawi tribe who honoured treachery as a virtue. When he shared the gospel of Jesus with them, they hailed Judas Iscariot as the hero of the story. They admired the fact that he had betrayed Jesus. Approaching the gospel from his Western viewpoint was not reaching into the hearts of the Sawi. It was then that Don began to understand that a redemptive analogy was needed to reach the tribe.

A redemptive analogy is a component in a culture that God has placed so that when a messenger brings the good news of Jesus, it will make sense. It’s like finding the fingerprint of God that is already on that culture.

The redemptive analogy for the Sawi tribe was found in the form of a ‘peace child’. A child was given from one warring tribe to their enemies to bring about peace. This paved the way for Don to share about Christ with the tribe. To this day, there are numerous Christians in West Papua because of Don’s perseverance to find a component of their culture that they could relate to the redemption of Christ.

When the terrorist attacks of 2001 highlighted the threat that Islam had become to the church, Don knew that he needed to study the Koran in depth. Through his studies, Don found a redemptive analogy that would be relevant to Muslims. This breakthrough has enabled Christians to reach out to Muslims in a relevant and effective way. Don shares his findings in his book, Secrets of the Koran.

You can purchase Don’s books here:

Eugene Bach had the opportunity to catch up with Don and hear more of his extensive knowledge about Eastern and Middle Eastern cultures. You can listen to this Podcast by clicking on the link below:

BTJ Contributing Author:  Jo

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The Victory of Faith A Bravehearted Thot – Part 3 of 3

Many of us view faith sort of like our Ford pickup’s license plates. Every year it is necessary to invest a little into our vehicle’s plates in order to keep that baby on the road. We pay the renewal fee, stick the fresh stickers over the old ones, wipe the work off our hands in satisfaction, and call it good.

But, when we approach faith in Jesus Christ as an annual renewal, we may share in a legally right relationship with the Living God, but not a morally and relationally living relationship with Him.

We may believe in a general sense that He died for us, but we lose the personal expectation that the work He did 2,000 years ago is powerfully usable and ready to be employed in our lives this very day. And, as a result, we live spiritually lackluster, defeated lives.

As opposed the to license plate mentality, I would argue that faith is more like the human digestive system. To stay strong, it demands food, and daily – multiple times. And if you do NOT daily labor to eat of the Truth of God’s Word, your faith fades and grows weak. Faith, to be real living faith must be exercised, it must be fostered, nurtured, and cared for. A victorious faith, is a faith that is tended to with great intentionality.

If you were an Olympic athlete, you would train hours each and every day and try hard to avoid losing your training rhythm and your fitness tone. You would whip your body into shape and discipline your life, your daily schedule, your diet, and your relational pursuits around a greater purpose. The same is true if you desire to become a real spiritual athlete. A victorious faith is one that is not found on accident. It’s cultivated with the same intensity that Jacob showed when he grabbed ahold of God in the night and refused to let go.

Let’s grab a hold of the Promiser! He will NOT fail us!

The Action of Faith A Bravehearted Thot – Part 2 of 3

Once i preach I tend to be a “shouter. very well I never can be a loud-mouth, let exclusively a loud-mouth preacher. This just kind of happened. That happened when I produced my life, my body, my reputation to Erlöser Christ and said, “You can do with me at night whatever You see fit! inch

I guess, He noticed fit to make myself a “shouter. ” Mainly because, He stuck such a volcanic passion inside my spirit man, that when I authoritatively speak the Word of Truth, the amount of my voice grows without me even being cognizant of the simple fact.

Therefore, I’m a shouter, whether I like it or not. But, a lot of men and women don’t know that I don’t have one to shout at me. I shout at everyone, but there isn’t very anyone that shouts to my soul and telephone calls me to the goce of Christ-living. As a result, I shout at myself. As well as the message in this particular video is one of the most typical sermons that I preach (vigorously shout) to my own soul.

I guess that is why this particular video is so treasured in my experience. It’s almost like it is my own personal sermon-to-self, but now fully backed with an epic, white-forked lightning audio score. Now, all I actually need to do is press “play” on this puppy and I have someone to shout this message to me with the passion of a Niagaran waterfall.

HE IS CERTAINLY sooo good!

Eric Ludy – The Anatomy of Faith – (Thunder-Fisted Faith Trilogy)

I actually is so taken with Steve Rosen’s musical background to these three videos about faith. And, this former is one of my all-time favorite backdrop scores.

One of the fun things about being in my position with the media team that produces these videos is that I had been able to listen to all 3 of the videos on hope all-in-one sitting. As of today, you don’t yet have that luxury (since only part one has been released). But, when the other and 3 rd part have arrived (which will by Friday of this week), I encourage you to go for a long walk or stroll and simply listen to the trilogy all-in-one long-listen. Seriously!

If this is the things i was seeking today, I’m guessing it just may be an elixir for your heart and soul as well!

Here’s to the God that are unable to lie and will not change!

#PrayForVegas Ignite a Movement of #BrokennessInPrayer

President Trump: #PrayForLasVegas! “Scripture teaches us, the Lord is close to the brokenhearted & those crushed in spirit… Even the darkest place can be lighted by a single light & ray of hope!” Invest in igniting this movement of #BrokennessInPrayer Call 757-559-1563 to find out more about how you can join this movement that is uniting through #BrokennessInPrayer and uniting the body of Christ after building the largest church database in the nation.

Praying Across Missouri for Those In Authority

BLOOMFIELD – The Pray Throughout Missouri van makes a stops at the Stoddard County courthouse in Bloomfield. Pathway photos

Pray across Missouri

KENNETT – If you see a silver minivan touring Missouri’s highways eblazoned with a “Pray Across Missouri” logo on the area, you could as well follow it to the local courthouse.

The van is making stops at 45-minute prayer meetings set at the courthouse of every one of Missouri’s 114 county seats in 2017-18. The Pray Across Missouri initiatave is a supportive effort of Missouri Baptists to engage in plea for the transformation of lives and communities with the gospel, according to MBC Executive Director David Yeats. “We’re intentionally starting Pray Across Missouri in a non-election year because is not a political advertising campaign, ” he said. “Rather we would like to pray for all of those who provide Missourians in people rectangle, also to acknowledge that Goodness has located people in authority over us to promote good and inhibit evil. God’s Word  calls us to pray to them. ”

The prayer is for a mighty movement of Goodness in the Show Me personally State. ”

The first rally was March 20 at the Dunklin Local Courthouse in Kennett, implemented later that day in Pemiscot, New Madrid and Mississippi counties. Attendence at the 14 events so far has averaged twenty-five, with two sites saving 55 people gathered to pray. Because of water issues at the Reynolds Local courthouse in Centerville, the meeting needed to be moved down the avenue to First Baptist Cathedral.

Kevin Carter, director of missions for Black River Baptist Association, helped organize the first prayer event at the Dunklin Local Courthouse, where 55 people showed up to hope for spiritual transformation in their community, lives and churches. They were fulfilled by six county and city employees who were specifically prayed for.

Through the prayer event, Carter made an association with one county official who is new to the area and told Carter he is capable to find ways the local churches can help the county improve itself.

“I’m anxious to see what kind of response happens statewide, ” Carter said. “Hopefully this would be the start of us actually viewing communities and churches altered. ”

The full routine is not yet completed, though the prayer concert tours and the Pray Throughout Missouri van will continue across southern Missouri this spring.

2 Years Ago: The Church Pulls Together for Victory in Springfield, MO



Tuesday, April 7, 2015 the citizens of Springfield, Missouri, went to the polls to repeal a regressive sexual orientation/gender identity ordinance by 51.4 percent to 48.6 percent. It seemed impossible with a majority of city councilmen, the media, the Chamber of Commerce and the national lesbian gay bisexual transgender advocacy group the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) backing it with over $250,000. The city council was determined to get this through, even timing the day of the original vote, October 13, 2014 on Columbus Day when every other city office was closed. But against all odds, David defeated Goliath because the church came together and a majority of Springfield citizens voted their values.

If the repeal effort had not been successful, Springfield’s ordinance would have created sexual identify as a protected class, not only allowing biological males to use women’s restrooms/locker rooms, but penalizing those who complained with a $1000 a day fine and jail time up to six months behind bars. HRC has passed similar ordinances in over 250 cities across the country and in Springfield even persuaded a few pastors to be spokesmen as they sought to dominate all media with quotes like “discrimination is always wrong” and “Jesus taught that loving your neighbor as yourself means caring for others’ basic needs.” However, people saw through the spiritual rhetoric to the real issue–an attack against freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

There were many things that led to the successful election.

  • Some citizens of Springfield had been attending city council meetings back in 2012 when the city council first tried to pass the ordinance. If it hadn’t been for these watchdogs called Live Free Springfield, the city would have quietly passed the ordinance in 2012.
  • Bio photo (1)Calvin Morrow, a General Contract and Founder of Christians United for Political Action, was invited by some already involved to track with them and speak out at city council.
  • Springfield Citizens United was formed and asked Calvin to be the spokesman for the group, so he started calling the media and making himself available daily to them.
  • A notable pastor in the city saw Calvin on TV and called him, which led to a gathering of pastors engaging in the process. Everyone realized there was no hope unless the church got involved. There were only a few churches and no money.
  • Mark Gonzales, Ex. Dir. of National Black Robe Regiment (NBRR) who had been tracking these ordinances across the nation, called Calvin and a meeting was set up with 17-18 activists, leaders and pastors. Mark let them know that NBRR was there to help and gave some strategic organizational leadership to the local efforts. Calvin said, “NBRR was a tremendous asset. I don’t think we could have done it without them.”
  • A committee made up of Calvin, Dr. John Lilly (physician and chairman for Lock & Smith Foundation) and Michael Tull, businessman and treasurer formed Yes on Question 1.
  • Although there was a total media blackout, including the Times Magazine stating Calvin could not be reached for comment after they had spoken to him for 20 minutes on the phone, the committee blogged and used social media to get the message out.
  • NBRR sent M.D. Sias to serve the committee on the ground in Springfield. MD’s expertise in social media, databases and using lists for strategic purposes proved a huge asset for the local effort. Calvin said, “M.D. went to 138 churches in one day. At first I found it hard to believe, but he had contacted 138 of the 160 churches in one day! M.D. had knowledge that we needed and brought energy and expertise that we didn’t have.”
  • The Catholic Church led by Bishop James V. Johnston of the Springield-Cape Girardeau Diocese engaged. Calvin met with the Diocese lawyer early on and helped them craft a letter for their congregations. The Bishop met with all the priests and then sent a letter to each of the congregations and asked the priests to read it on Resurrection Sunday morning.
  • In the final days as the vote neared, an all-African American walk team led by Andrew Shannon served as a visible reminder to voters that this ordinance is an affront to civil rights because there is no comparison to what Blacks have suffered in this nation from slavery to Dred Scott to lynching to segregation.
  • Yes on Question 1 delivered 4 x 8 signs around the city, many of which were stolen and vandalized. The damaged marred signs demonstrated to the community where the true lack of tolerance resided.
  • A total of 10,000 voter guides were distributed to churches and handed out at the polls, where four candidates that supported repeal were on the ballot. Two of them won bringing the current vote on the city council to 4 to 4. There is an appointment that is up currently for the 9th position, which would break a tie.

4x8_signVictory did not come easily, but things began to come together as volunteers began to walk blocks, the Family Research Council held a breakfast encouraging pastors to rally their congregations and national organizations like WallBuilders, American Family Association and others emailed their lists to engage in the process.

The momentum shift happened in the last few weeks, which Calvin explained, “During this time, not only did Joni Erickson Tada come to town praying that God would use the weak things of this world to confound the wise and protect religious liberty, but the committee also hosted a time of worship and prayer asking God to raise up more leaders like Pastor John Lindell of James River Church, John Lilly, etc.” Pastor Lindell gave a message to his 9,000-member congregation asking them to demonstrate both compassion and righteous action. The local media reported portions of Pastor Lindell’s sermon out of context to reprint in the newspaper and put on the evening news. There was a huge backlash against him, but he and other pastors in the city stood strong.

Calvin reflected, ““We discovered there are some really strong pastors in this city and we’re starting to network together. The pastors discovered they couldn’t ignore politics especially when politics kicks in your front door.” Calvin said that God has elevated him through this effort so that he can’t go anywhere in the community without being recognized. Pray for him that he will know how to manage the number of requests from people that are pouring in.

The Lord took what the enemy meant for evil in Springfield and turned it into a movement of pastors, businessmen and every-day citizens working together in an ongoing way. NBRR was grateful to be a part of what God began in Springfield and to see so many churches and organizations working together for spiritual and community transformation.


Psalms 112:6 For he will never be shaken; the righteous will be remembered forever. Founder’s Bible article 1 Timothy 4:5, page 1948. Excerpt from Benjamin Harrison: “If you take out of your statutes, your Constitution, your family life all that is taken from the Sacred Book, what would there be left to bind society together?”

Worthy to Escape By Marlon Lee Sias


48 years of comprehensive study and research in one book. Hundreds of Scripture references at your fingertips to address those difficult questions.
Is it possible that God has brought forth His truth on the end-times and the return of Christ in stages especially in the last 3 centuries? Does Daniel 12:4, 9 &10 hold the key to God’s restoring the futuristic truths of the post-tribulationism in the 1700’s, Pre-tribulationism in the 1800’s and most recently in 1989 the pre-wrath return of Christ viewpoint? Could each have a portion of truth, when taken together will reveal God’s full truth concerning His return? The authors have written “Worthy to Escape” which brings forth 3 events concerning Christ’s return; that bring forth aspects of truth from each of these viewpoints. Come explore with them through 263 scripture passages how God is revealing much of His end-times truth concerning His return (60% of the book), the Antichrist, the Tribulations, the wrath of God, the fall of the city of Babylon, Armageddon, Israel, Jews, and the Millennium. Check out what others say about it at:


Worthy to Escape makes for a thoroughly intriguing read! It is rare for Christians to apply the Hebraic traditions regarding marriage to the rapture. That and the book’s strong focus on spiritual intimacy set it apart from the majority of end times writings.” —Messianic Rabbi Ed Rothman, Hon. M. Div., Hon. Dr. M.S. & J.C., Seed of Abraham Messianic Congregation, St. Louis Park, MN

“Everyone should become familiar with the first fruits rapture. I highly recommend this book!” —Rev. J. McCracken, Team Leader, TrueBridge Family of Churches

“Any student of eschatology needs to read this book and consider its insights. Bible colleges and seminaries should use it as a reference work and make it required reading.” —Pastor T. Porta, Grace Gospel Church, Cambridge, MN       

   From the Inside Flap

“…Jesus is not coming to rescue lukewarm groups of halfhearted followers. He won’t be gathering people steeped in the mores of the world yet eager to escape the coming wrath of God. Rather, the parable of the ten virgins shows clearly that our coming King is expecting a bride who has been actively anticipating and preparing herself for His arrival.
No matter where you are at in your walk with Jesus or where you stand on the topic of the end times, we desire to take you on a journey in this book. It will be a journey deep into God’s Word, venturing into parts of Scripture that you may have never read before or that may have seemed like an undecipherable secret message. We will explore unfulfilled prophecies and connect truths throughout the pages of the Bible that may have seemed disconnected, hard to understand, and unrelated to our daily lives. As you enter into the revelation of God’s will for these final days of church history, we pray that you will discover a greater meaning and purpose about these times that we live in.”
–Quote from Chapter 1, Introduction

   From the Back Cover

“Worthy to Escape makes for a thoroughly intriguing read! It is rare for Christians to apply the Hebraic traditions regarding marriage to the rapture. That and the book’s uncompromising focus on spiritual intimacy set it apart from the great majority of end times writings. Based on biblically-conservative scholarship, the authors skillfully dissect popular assumptions about the rapture, and convincingly point toward a two-fold fulfillment of Jesus’ second coming.”
–Messianic Rabbi Ed Rothman, Hon. M. Div., Hon. Dr. M.S. & J.C., 
Seed of Abraham Messianic Congregation, St. Louis Park, MN

“Everyone should become familiar with the first fruits rapture. I highly recommend this book!”
–Rev. J. McCracken, Team Leader, TrueBridge Family of Churches

“Any student of eschatology needs to read this book and consider its insights. Bible colleges and seminaries should use it as a reference work and make it required reading.”
–Pastor T. Porta, Grace Gospel Church, Cambridge, MN

“I wholeheartedly recommend this innovative scholarly resource to all who are willing
to engage with a fresh perspective on this important topic. What an intriguing read!”
–Pastor R. Murphy, Restoration Life Church, Grand Rapids, MN