Prayer Vision



What makes Prayer.Vision unique? 

1) Story Driven – Happy to pray for lost jobs and sick relatives, but we want to be about more than just ‘requests’ and ‘needs’. We want to collect and share ‘stories’ of real people on the front lines of what God is doing (and remember, those front lines include your back yard, because God is at work in every time and place!) We hope that many missionaries, church planters, and risk takers will use this platform to facilitate their own prayer support, and we encourage you, as you post to the site, to include some of the background story.

2) Visually Rich – We seek new and creative ways to visualize God’s work across the globe. The millennial generation, more than any previous generation, is highly visual. We hope to stimulate the hearts of our generation by speaking with color, contrast, movement, and light.

3) An Open Network – We built this platform to harness the power of an open network. Rather than taking a top-down approach, where staff members up at the top decide what content should be disseminated, we want to give voice to believers everywhere. YOU will generate and aggregate our content. We hope that many powerful stories will go viral, pulling our hungry hearts up outside our monotonous daily routines, into God’s history-shaping work.


Q) How much does it cost?
A) Its free

Q) How do I use it?
A) Simply click anywhere on the map to add a prayer pin. Or click on any existing pin to see what others are inviting you to pray for. For the full rundown, watch the getting started video at the top of this page.